Saturday, October 10, 2009

ThredUp - what do you think?

Thanks to Lisa Lee for sending this link to a NYT bits blog about high-tech clothing swaps. I'm traveling with the family this weekend so that's all for today -- tell me what you think about ThredUp. We're doing a neighborhood mom's real life swap next week -- more on that later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! ThredUp sounds interesting like it would work in a movie, but I don't see how it would work for my closet. If I need something, I need really specific things. If I want something new I'd rather choose it and not get something random even if it was kinda close to what was on my request list (or I'd go to Quality Thrift which is also in my neck of the woods...Amy [who as of this post has NEVER been to QT! How is that possible?!] sent me the link to your blog.) QT is sort of a mix since you get to choose from the random things that are there:-)

    Good luck on this! Can't wait to read more.

