Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hey, I've got that!

Very quick post as I am off to present some stuff at a meeting:

I just spotted someone in my building with my favorite AnnTaylor LOFT skirt on. I got in on clearance and have never seen it on anyone else, so it was a surprise. How do you feel when that happens? Affirmed? Annoyed? What if you're actually wearing the identical garment at the same time? Do you say something? Does it matter if you know the person or not? How important is it to you that you are the only one wearing something? I was always fascinated by that story (apocryphal?) that anyone attending an event where the Queen of England was going to appear had to submit their outfit ahead of time so she wouldn't have a duplicate on...

Coming soon:
* Report on the clothing swap
* The Bra post


  1. I've never had this happen on a formal occasion, which is the only time I pay attention to what anybody's wearing. It probably happens all the time when I'm in my everyday uniform of jeans and a t-shirt. (Archie and I end up dressed alike a lot. Sometimes John and I dress alike, too, which is particularly embarrassing because that usually means we've each chosen to wear a sweatshirt that John got free with his Sports Illustrated subscription.)

  2. I had this happen at a wedding; I was wearing a fine wool poncho (this was 2003, ahem) and someone else was wearing one too. I guess I'm irritated when it happens but a coat/covering isn't a big deal as it comes off. For this reason I would never do the strapless-knee-length-dress-with-cardigan-combo that everyone and their mother wears at weddings. Add a pearl necklace and you're Everywoman! We went to three weddings last summer and at least four or five women had that outfit on at every wedding.

    The issue of dressing like your spouse is a good one. Sometimes Tim and I echo each other - black top, jeans or white top, jeans - and then one of us goes to change because he thinks it makes us look the That Couple, like The Couple Who Is A Team. Or like we're spontaneously going to break into a dance routine or something.

  3. To be clear, the other woman was wearing EXACTLY the same poncho.
