Monday, November 9, 2009

Strong enough for a man...

So, I was getting dressed for Day #1 of  a big conference today, and, as I often do, contemplated the antiperspirant/deodorant situation in the medicine cabinet. I've had this horrendous "stick" of some vanilla chai scented gel (the kind you turn a little crank to dispense, hence "stick" in quotes) for the last 11 months or so. It will not get used up, as hard as I try. It's kind of gross.

Next to said offending stick, was the faithful Old Spice belonging to spouse. Of course, as those of us who spend a lot of time in the underarm maintenance aisle of CVS know, most men's deodorant is *just* deodorant, and most women's deodorant is *also* antiperspirant, and thus has all the gloppy stuff added that plugs up our pores. (I'm not going to weigh in here about the alleged health risks of this pore-plugging process but you can see what NCI has to say about that here.)

Over the course of my underarm-sweating past, I've tried many different kids of AP/DO. The white chalky stuff that leaves skittery trails on your black sweaters. The little "rocks" that are supposed to work just as well as regular AP/DO (not). The all natural Tom's of Maine kind that smells like lavender, but by the end of the day, just smells like you. Like stinky you.  Teen Spirit. Secret ("strong enough for a man but made for a woman"). And yes, the revolting Vanilla Chai Goo That Will Never Get Used Up. Here's what I've decided: the men's stuff is better. I've often used whatever nice men's version my husband has in the medicine cabinet, unless, of course, I *can't sweat* -- like for a job interview, conference, fancy night out, or IRS tax audit. If I can't sweat, I'm back in the Glop-It-Up women's aisle with Vanilla Chai and friends, and hopeless waxy buildup and stains on all my light colored clothes.

Until today. Today, because I am empiricist, I've tried an experiment: Vanilla Chai in one pit, Old Spice in the other. And then off to the conference. As of four o'clock, having just sat through a stifling session in a tiny hotel conference room on sexual lubricant use in older age women (don't ask), I can report that Old Spice is holding its own in both the wetness *and* the odor departments. (For you empiricist sticklers out there -- no, it's not a blinded trial -- I've known all day which pit is which. I'll enlist the kids for a blinded repeat trial tomorrow).

So -- I'm chucking that $5.49 bottomless stick of Vanilla Chai goo. Be gone! I'm shopping the men's aisle from now on.  My new motto: "Strong enough for a woman, but made for a man."

Please, *please* let me know how you cope with this under-theorized but clearly crucial aspect of wardrobe maintenance and self presentation.

Today's outfit: An oft-repeated combo: The peacock blue Gap cable knit sweater that make my boobs look too big (QT, c. 2004), and the dark gray petal skirt (QT, c.2005). Black tights. Masai Barefoot Technology super shoes.

I've got drafts of both the undies and the bra posts underway -- coming soon!


  1. I think you need to switch arms before you do the blinded trial just to see whether handedness played a role. (Do you sweat more under your writing arm?)

  2. I generally buy the "men's" versions of these products. In Europe, at least, they are often the better buy (more product, slight lower price).

  3. Definitely; there are some men's products that are just better made than women's, starting with AP/DO and moving on the shaving cream and including razors. ALL men's clothes are made sturdier than women's, but unfortunately rarely fit over hips, butt etc. I steal T's shirts for my writing uniform all the time but also to emulate the classic but jaunty men's shirt plus pedal pushers look.

  4. I have actually given this a good deal of thought, but given the number of responses maybe there are those who wonder about AP/DO and those who just use it! I've tried them all. None meet all the requirements. The men's versions smell funny to me, the crystals and all-natural ones don't work all that well, but they don't leave stains on clothing. Mennen for women is my fave brand when I want something that actually works, but it isn't so good with extending the life of my clothing and maybe not so great with the health of my own body either...sigh. The question remains.
